US News

‘Church of Cannabis’ will open on 4/20 — of course

In pot they trust.

A church for marijuana lovers is set to open in Denver — during 4/20 weekend, of course.

The pro-smoking sanctuary will be in the city’s West Washington Park neighborhood and run by Elevation Ministries.

Dubbed the “International Church of Cannabis,” the group says it will ultimately serve as a “spiritual home to adults who seek to become the best version of themselves by way of the cannabis flower — a sacrament regarded as a gift from the universal creative force.”

“Church members are called Elevationists,” a statement read Wednesday. “Our lifestance is that an individual’s spiritual journey, and search for meaning, is one of self-discovery — and one that may be accelerated and deepened with cannabis use.

“Elevationists claim no divine authority, nor an authoritarian organizational structure,” it adds. “Therefore, those of all religious and cultural backgrounds are welcome to visit our chapel and take part in our volunteerism, celebrations, and meditation.”

Briley Hale, spokesperson for the International Church of Cannabis, said existing members of Elevation Ministries will be meeting at the chapel on 4/20 to invite others to join their cause.

The chapel that they are using is 113-years-old and has been getting renovated since July 2016. The front was painted by world famous artist Kenny Scharf, whose work adorns the halls of the Whitney and Guggenheim Museums.

“We were so happy to find a space that already had a spiritual history, and to be able to retain that element in the use of the property,” Hale said. “It’s a great privilege to be able to turn this building around, rather than watching it being converted into condos or left abandoned to attract vagrancy and crime.”

When it opens, the ICC will be the largest pro-marijuana church in the world.

“We are thrilled to be exclusively introducing this incredible story to the world,” said Steve Berke, CEO of the chapel’s P.R. group, Bang Digital Media.

“This church is the first large venue in the world where adults can legally consume cannabis in a social environment,” he added. “It is truly history in the making.”