
State legislators finally reach agreement on $153B budget

ALBANY — State legislators on Friday night finally reached a deal on a $153 billion budget that includes free public-college education and allows ride-sharing apps such as Uber and Lyft to expand throughout the state.

But the agreement doesn’t say a word about whether Mayor de Blasio will retain mayoral control of schools.

“The Senate will tell you it’s a law that doesn’t expire ’til June,” Gov. Cuomo said. “We have enough to deal with now.”

Cuomo and legislative leaders announced they had overcome the last sticking points in the proposal, which was already a week late.

The bills were not yet printed when the leaders made the announcement, but Cuomo gave an overview that he says gives a $50 million boost to charter schools.

There’s no change in per-pupil funding for this fiscal year. Next year, however, there’s a 4 percent increase in per-pupil funding from roughly $14,000 to $14,500.

“It then basically follows the growth rate at local schools,” Cuomo said.

The budget does not raise the cap on the number of charter schools.

Families with income of up to $125,000 a year — which Cuomo said is 80 percent, or 940,000 families in the state — will qualify for free college tuition under Excelsior Scholarships and it also will contain benefits for private colleges.

The millionaire’s tax will be extended two years and 421-a tax breaks for developers in exchange for affordable housing will expire in five years.

Ride-sharing, which until now was permitted only in New York City, will now be allowed all over the state.

In a nod to juvenile-justice reformers, 16- and 17-year-olds no longer will be treated as adults in the state’s courts.

Instead, the teens will be diverted to family court or youth court, depending on the severity of their crimes. Their post-release supervision will be decided on a case-by-case basis by a panel of parole and social-services experts.

The Assembly remained in ­Albany to vote on the last budget bills and the budget won’t be passed until the Senate returns to vote on it. Sources say that could happen as early as Sunday.

Meanwhile, as they debated the budget, Democrats discovered in their ranks a mole who has been dubbed the “Cuomole.”

The governor himself spilled the secret when he sent a text to ­Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie about something Heastie said in a meeting that was still under way.