US News

US allies commend missile retaliation against Syria

Several of America’s allies in the Middle East and around the world rushed to support the Trump Administration’s decision to launch a missile attack on Syria in response to its use of chemical weapons on civilians earlier this week.

Israel’s ambassador to the U.N. says the U.S. sent a “significant message” to the region and beyond with the attack on a Syrian air base.

Danny Danon told Channel 10 TV “it was a moral decision that delivered a triple message.” He said it told the Syrians to stop using chemical weapons and sent a message to Iran and North Korea.

Britain was among the first allies to back the attack, calling it an “appropriate response to the barbaric chemical weapons attack launched by the Syrian regime,” according to the Telegraph.

Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull said the “Australian government strongly supports the swift and just response of the United States” in launching a rocket attack on a Syrian air base.

He told reporters in Sydney on Friday: “This was a calibrated, proportionate and targeted response. It sends a strong message to the Assad regime, and … has been struck at the very airfield from which the chemical attack was delivered.”

Saudi Arabia also said it “fully supports” the attack, calling it a “courageous decision,” by Trump, the Telegraph reported.

“A responsible source at the foreign ministry expressed the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia’s full support for the American military operations on military targets in Syria, which came as a response to the Syrian regime’s use of chemical weapons against innocent civilians…,” said a statement published by the state news service SPA, the Telegraph reported.