
Trump golf course staff secretly photographed me peeing outside

An environmental activist suing President Trump’s golf course in Scotland for filming her​ ​while​ ​she was urinating told a court on Monday that the experience has left her “slightly paranoid” about going to the bathroom outside, according to reports.

“I go to extraordinary lengths – I’m slightly paranoid that there might be somebody hiding behind a tree or something. I sounds ridiculous but that’s how I feel,” Carol Rohan Beyts, who is suing the Trump International Golf Clubs Scotland for breaching data protection laws, told the Edinburgh court, according to the Scotland Sun.

Beyts, 62, who has opposed the development​ ​from the start​ over environmental concerns, said she was walking near the course with friend Sue Edwards in April 2016 when nature called.

She said she “shouted to Sue, something like, ‘I need a private moment,’ and she said something like, ‘I’ll carry on and make sure no one is around.'”

Beyts, who said she was suffering from urinary incontinence at the time, found a spot in the dunes.

“I couldn’t see anybody, I was convinced of that. I’m not in the habit of urinating when there is anybody in view. I would be horrified. I just squatted down in the dunes,” she told the court.

The two women continued on their way when a staff vehicle drove up and a man got out and began taking their picture. After a brief, but “polite,” conversation, the car​​ drove away.

Three days later, police showed up at her home and arrested her for public urination, she said.

“I was shocked. I couldn’t believe this was happening,” Beyts said. “I was shocked not because of the criminal charge but because of the police coming to my door for what was quite a trivial incident.”

She continued: “I hadn’t done anything wrong in my book. I had done what I always did when I was out and needed the toilet.”

At first she thought she had been caught on some surveillance cameras, but then learned from police that three resort employees filmed her on their mobile phones.

“I felt really quite upset because I had taken all possible steps to ensure I wasn’t viewed,” she said.

Betys is suing for​ ​the equivalent of $3,742.

Lawyers for the Trump resort deny her claims.