US News

Dad accused of raping daughter’s friend at underage booze-fest

A New Mexico man was busted for throwing his underage daughter a boozy party where he allegedly sexually assaulted one of her friends.

Authorities say Ben Aguilar, 43, provided alcohol for the teens and filmed himself having sex with a 15-year-old girl in February at his Pajarito Mesa, New Mexico home.

Police arrested Aguilar last week after they received an anonymous tip that he sexually assaulted the girl multiple times, the Albuquerque Journal reported. The tip said that the girl may not know she had sex with him because she was intoxicated.

According to the Bernalillo Sheriff’s Office, Aguilar confessed to having sex with the girl and deleting a video of the incident on his phone. He claimed he did not know she was a minor.

“What is noteworthy about this case is the fact that it was a delayed report from an anonymous source. Detectives were able to get a reluctant victim statement six weeks post-incident,” Bernalillo Sheriff’s Office spokeswoman Felicia Romero told the Albuquerque Journal.

Aguilar was charged Thursday with criminal sexual penetration and contributing to the delinquency of a minor. He is being held on $7,500 bail.