US News

Woman killed by wild elephant

A wild elephant killed a woman in a South African park, skewering her on its tusk as it ran with an agitated herd, officials said.

The woman was declared dead at the scene, while another is being treated for a broken right leg in the attack, which occurred Thursday around 4:20 p.m. in Kruger National Park.

Both victims were employees of South African National Parks, which is based in Kruger National Park in the northeastern part of the country, according to Lowvelder.

“The elephant tusk entered her lower back and exited her chest,” said emergency worker Jaco Gericke.

Gericke initially said the elephant disappeared into the bushes after the attack and that he didn’t know whether it was part of a herd.

“The elephant was already gone when we arrived,” Gericke said.

The park later confirmed that the women were attacked by a herd of elephants.

The grisly incident is under investigation.

“On behalf of the SANParks management and staff, we would like to express our heartfelt condolences to the family, relatives and friends of the deceased and to wish the other colleague who is currently in hospital a speedy recovery,” said William Mabasa, acting head of communications for the park.