US News

Kids want teacher suspended for sexy selfies to come back

Lydia Ferguson said she stuck to a rule “that if my Granddad, bless his heart, would look at any of my pictures in disgust, then I would never post them.”

But a series of snaps resulted in Ferguson, 39, getting told off for being “sultry” and escorted from Ousedale School in Buckinghamshire, England.

The Mail Online reports that when a friend said they “loved” the pic, adding “so natural,” mom-of-three Ferguson replied: “I don’t think it’s seductive or inappropriate either.”

Pupils filmed Ferguson getting told off for being “sultry” and escorted from the school, and said they overheard her being dressed down.

A students’ petition called “Get Miss Ferguson Back” had more than 250 signatures last night with some of them coming from parents.

It accused the 2,000-pupil mixed school of being too prudish.

One youngster said: “There is nothing wrong with the photo at all.

“We think Miss looks lovely.”

Other light-hearted selfies and fun snaps of her appear on her Facebook profile dating back three years.

Another student added: “She is a brilliant teacher.

“She is there to help students who have problems like bullying and stuff.

“She does so much to help us and we’re so upset she’s been suspended.

“Not a single person thinks there is anything inappropriate about it.”

Another pupil said: “All it was showing was a bit of leg.”

Head Sue Carbert said: “If we have any concerns about a staff member, this would not be discussed with students.

“We are aware of rumors but conclusions are being drawn which have no factual basis.”