US News

Obama team reportedly gave list of Russian probes to senate investigators

The Obama administration was so worried about the fate of classified documents connected to the Russia probes under President Trump that officials made a list of the ­papers and gave it to Senate ­investigators, a new report said Friday.

A former official under Obama told NBC News that he personally carried the list of the classified documents’ ­serial numbers to committee members in early January.

The serial numbers themselves were not classified, the official said.

The reason, the official told the network, was to make it “harder to bury” the information from congressional investigators.

The report echoed statements by ex-Obama official Evelyn Farkas, who told CNBC she worked to preserve documents related to the probe.

White House spokesman Sean Spicer berated reporters at Friday’s press briefing for not pursuing those reports — which he said supported Trump’s allegation that the Obama administration had spied on him at Trump Tower.