
Amazing discovery is step towards re-growing your organs

It sounds like something out of a science fiction movie but the wonders of modern medicine have allowed doctors to grow an artificial ear on a man’s arm.

The man, from northwestern China, lost his ear in a horrific car accident last year.

The injuries on the right side of his head were so severe that doctors were unable to save his ear.

Following the accident, the man, called Ji, was referred to Guo Shuzhong, one of China’s leading plastic surgeons.

This week, the surgeon was able to successfully initiate blood flow to the artificial ear and attach it to his head.

The medic from the First Affiliated Hospital of Xi’an Jiaotong University in Xi’an, the capital of north-western China’s Shaanxi Province, decided to “plant” a fake ear in his arm in November.

An ear growing on a patient’s arm is under surgery to be transplanted to the head of the patient, who lost the right ear in an accident.Reuters

The realistic ear, which was modeled with the help of 3D-printing technology, was made with cartilage from the patient’s ribs and attached to his forearm under a piece of expanded skin.

There it was allowed to grow for several months until experts deemed it ready for transplant.

The operation to attach the ear took seven hours.

Ji will remain in the hospital under observation for about two weeks until his new ear is fully functional.