
Bed Bath & Beyond is the latest retailer to dump Ivanka goods

Bed Bath & Beyond appears to be the latest retailer to have dumped Ivanka Trump merchandise.

The GrabYourWallet campaign, which encourages consumers to boycott retailers that sell Trump-branded goods, is claiming victory for the home retailer dropping such items as Ivanka Trump diaper bags.

On Friday, the campaign dropped the company and its Buy Buy Baby chain from its boycott list.

“On 3/31, a GrabYourWallet participant forwarded a customer service email exchange in which Bed Bath & Beyond confirmed to her that it’s no longer carrying Trump products,” the group said

The chain did not immediately comment, but according to GrabYourWallet, Bed Bath & Beyond had been quietly paring back its Trump offerings since March 12.

Bed Bath joins retailers like Nordstrom, QVC, Kmart and Sears, that have stopped selling Trump products.