
How Sean Spicer sleeps at night

White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer said he turns to an authority higher than even President Trump when he’s routinely savaged by the media.

“There are a couple bad apples that I try and pray for,” Spicer, a Catholic, told the Christian Broadcasting Network.

But Spicer — who most recently made headlines for neglecting to use a toothpick after lunch — claimed most people that approach him in public are supportive.

“Probably 99 percent of the people who approach me have very positive things. I think one of the nicest and most kindest things that you could ever hear is when someone tells you they’re praying for you. That really is the most that somebody could ever give another individual. … And I get a lot of that,” Spicer said.

And some reporters simply want to see this president fail, he claimed.

“There are definitely some folks who — and I think every survey points this out — that the vast majority of mainstream members of the media are liberal leaning, belong to the Democratic party or vote Democratic,” he said, declining to “name names.”

“But there are certain ones that have that bent and then there are some that either for purely intellectual reasons can’t understand anything but a liberal mindset and there are some I think that do not truly want the president to succeed.”