
Descendant of Prohibition-era NYPD commish just became cop

The great-great-great grandson of former NYPD Police Commissioner Richard Enright — who busted up illegal booze operations during the violent “Bootleg Wars” in the 1920s — has followed in his footsteps and become a cop.

Shaun Enright

Shaun Enright, 21, graduated from the Police Academy on Thursday in a class of 646 men and women, many hailing from other countries.

“You’re joining a winning team,” Commissioner James O’Neill told the new officers.

“It doesn’t matter if your family is a recent arrival to the United States…Or whether your family has been living in New York City for generations — you are all now heirs to the same legacy of service that has defined the NYPD since 1845,” he said.

Enright, who hails from East Quoque, LI, is now the first family member in his bloodline since his great, great, great grandfather to join the police force.

“He’s wanted to be a police officer since he was 17-years-old,” his father, Anthony Enright, told The Post.

“But even before that, he would be playing in the back yard with toy guns pretending he was a cop,” he said. “I’m just beyond proud of him. While he was in the academy, his girlfriend had a baby. He’s done a lot for his age.”

Richard Enright manned the post of police commissioner from 1918 to 1925 — enforcing the National Prohibition Act, also known as the Volstead Act and establishing round-the-clock vice patrols in the attempt to bust up gambling houses, according to Arthur Nash, author of New York City Gangland.

While a portion of his term was marred by accusations of accepting graft, he was later hailed as a revolutionary of the NYPD, thanks to his efficiency and then-controversial decision to bring charges against his own men.

Enright’s great great great grandfather also holds the title of being the first cop to ever go on to serve as commissioner after retiring, officials said.

“While serving in that role, he greatly improved the working conditions of police officer, allowing one day off for cops after every six days of duty,” O’Neill explained. “Among other achievements he established the missing persons bureau as a 24 hour service, and increased the number of women on the force.”

The elder Enright passed away in 1953, after stepping down in 1925.

“I’m certain this man would be infinitely proud to see his great, great, great grandson Shaun Enright graduate here today,” O’Neill said.

Enright, who is also a certified EMT and volunteer firefighter with the East Quogue Fire Department, was joined by several graduates from across the globe on Thursday — including Belarus-born valedictorian Iryna V. Timofeeva.

The 34-year-old received the “Mayor’s Award,” which goes to the student officer with highest overall average.

“We have been patiently waiting for this day to come and now our dream has finally come true,” she told the graduating class. “This endeavor was not an easy journey. We pushed through the body aches and bruises, tour changes and sleepless nights to achieve a career so honorable and rewarding.”