US News

House committee cancels meeting as Nunes faces heat

The House Intelligence Committee has ditched any meetings this week after Democrats called for the panel’s leader to recuse himself from any investigations into Russian links to the Trump campaign, a report on Tuesday said.

The meetings were canceled after Rep. Devin Nunes (R-Calif.) revealed he visited the White House grounds last week to review intelligence documents from a source and then relayed that information to President Trump, CNN reported.

A number of Democratic lawmakers — including Rep. Adam Schiff, the ranking member of the committee, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer — have demanded House Speaker Paul Ryan replace Nunes on the panel.

Nunes said he had to go to the White House to use a secure facility to review the classified documents.

A day later, he held a press briefing to announce that Trump and some of his associates had been picked up in “incidental” surveillance by US intelligence agencies.

FBI Director James Comey appeared before the House Intelligence Committee last Monday to say his agency was investigating any connections between Moscow and Trump campaign and transition officials.

He also said he had no evidence to support Trump’s claims that former President Obama authorized wiretapping at Trump Tower.