
Cheney: Russians committed ‘act of war’ if they meddled in election

Former Vice President Dick Cheney said Russia may have committed an “act of war” by meddling in the US presidential election.

“There’s not any argument at this stage that somehow the election of President Trump was not legitimate, but there’s no question that there was a very serious effort made by Mr. Putin and his government — his organization — to interfere in major ways with our basic, fundamental democratic processes,” said Cheney, speaking Monday in New Delhi, India, at the Economic Times Global Business Summit.

“In some quarters, that would be considered an act of war,” he added.

Cheney, who said he was speaking only for himself, claimed the Russian meddling had upset Americans.

“I would not underestimate the weight that we as Americans assign to the Russian attempts to interfere with our internal political processes,” the former vice president said.

He also accused the Russians of meddling with the US’ strongest treaty alliance.

“He is doing everything he can to find ways to undermine NATO,” Cheney said of Russian President Vladimir Putin.