John Crudele

John Crudele


Another reason to be careful with car rental companies

Dear John: I’ve been following your car rental stories and have one that might affect anyone who has prepaid for the gas upon renting.

I rented a Grand Caravan from Alamo. I prepaid for the gas at rental.

I was shown that the car was full and they had put 20 gallons in the tank. I could return it empty if I wished. But while on vacation I refueled several times and on one of the occasions the tank was on “E.”

I filled it up and it took only 16.5 gallons. I was a little puzzled, thinking it would take close to 20 gallons.

When I returned the rental I asked the attendant at the desk about the discrepancy and she didn’t know. I asked for a supervisor and they also could not give me an answer.

I was going to contact the attorney general of Connecticut about this, because if they’re doing it to each prepaid rental they are making millions of dollars fraudulently.

The attendant said she’d call me back. She refunded $10 on my rental and e-mailed me a free rental for the mistake.

She said they would look into the fueling procedure. That’s all I heard. I didn’t contact the state AG, but I probably should have because I doubt that they have changed anything. That’s my rental car tale. J.B.

Dear J.B.: Thanks for sharing that.

To readers: Look carefully at the agreement when you sign up to rent a car.

To car rental companies: We are watching you.

And, everyone: Remember the Alamo!

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