US News

Is Sean Spicer trying to tell us he’s in trouble?

Was he sending out an S.O.S.?

White House press secretary Sean Spicer showed up at the Friday press briefing with his American flag pin upside-down — a signal of distress.

Fox News reporter John Roberts alerted Spicer to the fashion faux pas, telling him, “Your pin’s upside down.’’

As the roomful of journalists cracked up, Spicer continued fumbling with the lapel pin.

“John Roberts, always helping with the fashion tips,” Spicer joked.


“It’s still upside-down,” another reporter called out.

“ ‘House of Cards’ promo?“ someone suggested.

“No,’’ Spicer said, laughing. “There’s no promo.’’

Spicer finally maneuvered the pin right-side-up and got down to business. “Now, on to your questions,’’ he said.

Twitter exploded about the flag goof.

“Spicer’s flag pin is upside down,” tweeted Jordan Uhl. “It’s a cry for help!”

“Plot twist. Spicer is the DEEP STATE!” tweeted Philip Wood.

Others also riffed off the “House of Cards” series, which uses an upside-down flag as its logo. “House of Cards going all in on that viral marketing,” Sean O’Brien joked.

It just wasn’t Spicer’s day.

He opened at 1 p.m. by saying, “Good morning,” and then blamed his cheat sheet. The time glitch was “not my fault,’’ he explained, holding up the notes. “It’s on the paper.’’