
Insiders fuming Scaramucci hasn’t gotten White House job

Donald Trump insiders are fuming that the president has not given a White House job to financier Anthony Scaramucci, whom they view as the latest loyalist to be burned by the political hacks surrounding the president.

The latest complaints come days after George Safaris was named the White House’s Office of Public Liaison director, the job Scaramucci had been offered in writing and sold his multimillion-dollar business to accept.

“Offering you a job and forcing you to sell your company, and then once you have sold your company, you renege on the job — not only is that extremely unethical, it’s fraudulent and it’s unloyal,” one insider unloaded to The Post.

“Funny for Mr. Trump, who tells everyone how loyal he is,” the insider added.

Scaramucci sold his $12 billion hedge fund business, SkyBridge, this year after he received a job offer from Trump and now-White House chief strategist Stephen Bannon.

The job fell through, however, after infighting in the White House, though Politico reports Scaramucci is still in the running for some sort of governmental job.

The episode is causing some to question Trump’s commitment to loyalty.

“Trump has sound the narrative of loyalty, but he has turned out to be someone who may expect loyalty but does not return it,” said a source, who blamed chief of staff Reince Priebus for purging those insiders who had close relations with the commander-in-chief.

“He has let Reince Priebus eliminate all of the Trump loyalists: Rudy Giuliani, Chris Christie, Dave Bossie, Vincent Viola, Nick Loeb, Monica Crowley, Bryan Lanza, Kim Guilfoyle, David Urban, Katrina Pierson, Newt Gingrich and Corey Lewandowski,” the source added.

Claiming the public brouhaha has cost Scaramucci his job, his “reputation” and millions in taxes, a source close to the burned insider said, “He could sue them for so many things.”

Asked for comment, a White House press official said the reason Scaramucci did not get the Office of Public Liaison director job ���had to do with the complexities of his businesses, not anything more.”

“The president is extremely loyal and to suggest otherwise is simply not accurate,” the White House official added.

Scaramucci did not respond to a request for comment.