US News

Two women charged with murder of Kim Jong Nam

She’s not laughing out loud anymore.

Doan Thi Huong, known as the “LOL girl” for wearing a T-shirt emblazoned with the acronym, appeared on the verge of tears as a Malaysian court charged her and her female accomplice, Siti Aisyah with the murder of Kim Jong Nam, The Guardian reported Wednesday.

Both women have been accused of applying VX — a deadly nerve agent — to the face of Jong Nam, causing him to suffer an agonizing death.

Jong Nam was the estranged half-brother of North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un, who South Korean officials have speculated was behind the Feb. 13 assassination at Malaysia’s Kuala Lumpur International Airport.

The women stand accused of applying VX — a deadly nerve agent — to the face of Jong Nam, causing him to suffer an agonizing death.

Huong, 28, of Vietnam, and Aisyah, 25, of Indonesia, were both dressed casually as they were escorted into the courtroom in handcuffs to hear the charges read out in their native languages, the Daily Mail said.

Afterward, the women were ordered to put on bulletproof vests and whisked away by heavily armed guards for fear that they would be targets of a hit due to the political fury over Jong Nam’s slaying, The Guardian said.

During the hearing, the pair did not enter a formal plea, but Huong’s lawyer later told reporters that his client told the court in Vietnamese that “I am not guilty,” The Mail said.

Kim Jong NamAP

The attorney, only identified as S. Selvam, described Huong as being “nervous as she is facing a murder charge.”

If convicted, the women face death by hanging.

The suspects told investigators that they were duped into carrying out the assassination plot — and they believed they were just playing a prank on Jong Nam.

After the attack, Huong was caught on video surveillance at the airport wearing the “LOL” shirt — and her image was beamed around the world on the Internet, leading to her arrest.

Aisyah was busted after her boyfriend ratted her out to the authorities.

Two more suspects have been busted in connection with the murder, including a North Korean who remains in custody. The other person, a Malaysian man, is out on bail.

Authorities are still searching for seven North Korean co-conspirators. Four of the alleged plotters left Malaysia the day Jong Un was killed and apparently flew back to North Korea.

Meanwhile, Kim Jong Un has been busy executing more of his top cabinet officials, South Korean intelligence officers reported Monday.

The deranged dictator recently ordered five of his staffers to be obliterated by anti-aircraft guns because they allegedly turned in false reports on security matters.