US News

Pervy cop caught on tape harassing store clerk

A Tennessee police officer was publicly exposed as a pervert Monday after audio recordings surfaced showing him making repeated lewd comments to a local store worker.

Frank Geisenhoffer was suspended without pay for two weeks and placed on one year’s probation by the South Carthage Police Department after he harassed Elizabeth Restrepo with his sexual advances at the shop where she worked.

His transgressions came to light in December, when Restrepo secretly taped his inappropriate comments and turned the recordings over to police. The local TV station New Channel 5 recently obtained the recordings and broadcast some of them Monday.

During one discussion, Geisenhoffer told Restrepo, “I don’t do big girls. Don’t have to … not with this d—.”

On another occasion, the cop said, “You do look good baby. F—ing hot!”

He also referenced her breasts and demanded a video of her masturbating, the news site said.

“If you ever were to do that, give me a video, I’ll pay you for it,” he told her. “I will owe you big.”

The disgusting cop said he was disappointed she hadn’t sent him a birthday picture of herself in the buff.

Geisenhoffer also made a request for pictures of Restrepo’s sister’s breasts after ogling them on her Facebook page.

“Get me a picture of those t–ies,” he commanded.

His perverted actions hit a low when he sent the shop worker a video of himself having sex.

“I tried to laugh it off, I didn’t try to stop it because of who he was, and I didn’t know what to do,” Restrepo told the TV station.

Geisenhoffer copped to nearly everything in a written statement to his supervisor but tried to put the onus on Restrepo, saying she was the first to send him improper photos – a charge that she denies.