
‘Disturbing’ Trump rants introduced in Bergdahl desertion case

Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl gritted his teeth in court Monday as he watched videos of then-candidate Donald Trump berating him as a “traitor” for walking off his post in Afghanistan in 2009 — as a judge called the comments “disturbing.”

The videos were played during a pretrial hearing at Fort Bragg, North Carolina, where Bergdahl’s lawyers asked a military judge to throw out the charges against him.

They say Trump’s comments violated Bergdahl’s right to a fair trial and cited more than 40 instances of now-President Trump’s criticism through last August.

“We’re tired of Sgt. Bergdahl, who’s a traitor, a no-good traitor, who should have been executed,” Trump said at a rally in Las Vegas in October 2015.

During his campaign, Trump also swore to review Bergdahl’s case if the sergeant were to get off lightly.

Defense lawyer Eugene Fidell said Trump’s comments about Bergdahl should be taken seriously, given that he’s made good on other campaign vows.

The judge, Army Col. Jeffery Nance, agreed the videos contained “disturbing material.” He is expected to rule on whether to toss the charges later.

“You’re not at all concerned about the statement [Trump] made, ‘If I get in we will review his case’ . . . after ranting and raving about no jail time?” Nance asked prosecutors.

Army Maj. Justin Oshana, a military prosecutor, said a reasonable person would not take Trump’s comments literally.

“These comments are clearly intended to try to attack a political opponent for political gain,” Oshana said.

Bergdahl faces life in prison on desertion charges. He was held captive for five years by the Taliban after leaving his post. He was freed in a highly controversial prisoner exchange orchestrated by the Obama administration.

With Post wires