Weird But True

Couple wanted by cops for courthouse oral sex video

The woman who recorded herself performing oral sex inside a Florida courthouse is now wanted by police for the lewd behavior.

Police are on the hunt for Brittney Jones, 26, and Jeremiah Isiah Robinson, 35, the man she performed the sex act on at the Duval County Courthouse on Jan. 31, Action News in Jacksonville reported.

Hours after police issued an arrest warrant, Jones wrote on her Facebook that she was “site seeing [sic]” in New York City, checking into tourist hotspots like Times Square and Central Park. She most recently checked into JFK Airport Tuesday morning.

Courthouse officials said the X-rated act occurred in an empty fourth-floor hallway during business hours.

Jones had been in court that day for an arraignment on drug charges.

After posting the video to Twitter, she joked that she “just found a way to get out of trouble.”

Officials said Jones and Robinson both know they’re wanted by the Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office but aren’t cooperating.

Jones’ family has tried to get her to stop posting vulgar videos online for years, Action News said.

Her father said on Monday he’d bail her out if she’s arrested.