US News

Rescued boater denies involvement in deaths of mom and grandfather

A Connecticut man told a TV interviewer that he has nothing to do with the execution-style murder of his grandfather or his millionaire mother’s disappearance at sea.

“There’s no relationship between my having been the last person other than the killer to have seen my grandfather, and my having been on the boat with my mother when it sank,” said Nathan Carman, 22.

“I did not kill my grandfather and I did not cause my mother’s death,” Carman told the ABC News show “20/20.”

Carman’s grandfather, John Chakalos, 87, was killed Dec. 20, 2013. Carman was the last person to see his grandfather alive the night before the elderly man was shot three times in his Windsor, Conn., home. The grandad’s will left $42 million to his four daughters, including Nathan’s mother, Linda.

Carman also survived an ill-fated fishing trip in September from which Linda is missing and presumed dead.