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‘It’s a gluten-free wasteland’: Girl Scout cashes in on brutal cookie reviews

She’s earned her merit badge in food criticism!

A savvy Girl Scout from New Jersey is close to selling more cookies than anyone in history thanks to her brutal reviews of the sweet treats that have gone viral.

Budding food critic Charlotte McCourt, 11, penned a scathing, but honest email to her dad’s “rich” friend in hopes of swaying him to purchase a bulk of her 300-box goal — rating all the cookies she is selling on a scale from 1 to 10.

The wealthy pal, who was revealed Wednesday to be Colorado-based venture capitalist Jason Mendelson, was blown away when he received the sales pitch from McCourt.

“As I’m reading her plea, all I can think is, ‘My God, I’m a venture capitalist. I get pitched 30 to 40 times a day. This is an 11-year-old telling me exactly what she wants. There’s no beating around the bush,’” he told The Post. “I wish this is what my dad job was. My job would be a lot more fun.”

“It is a master class on sales,” he added.

McCourt tore into the Toffee-tastic cookies, giving them a 1 and calling them a “bleak, flavorless gluten-free wasteland.”

She also slammed Do-si-dos, which she dubbed “unoriginal.”

It wasn’t all bad — McCourt praised Samoas, the crisp cookie topped with shredded coconut and covered in caramel and chocolate, and gave them a 9.

“I like how all the flavors combine. It’s harmony,” she told The Post, saying it was her favorite cookie followed by Thin Mints.

No cookie earned a 10 — the only way to get the top honors was to donate a box, McCourt wrote in the email, suggesting that it may be nice to send the sweets to U.S. troops overseas.

Mendelson — who was childhood besties with McCourt’s father, Sean — was sold on her pitch, immediately buying 25 boxes and donating them all to the military.

But then, Sean’s boss — TV personality Mike Rowe — shared the email with his Facebook followers, reading it and cracking up at the gutsy critique.

The video, which was uploaded Jan. 25 and called “Truth In Advertising!”, has since racked up more than 8.4 million views — bringing in thousands of cookie orders for McCourt.

She’s now sold more than 16,000 boxes through her Scout page — 7,000 of which were donated to the military.

The determined pre-teen has the world record memorized — 21,447 boxes sold by another entrepreneurial Girl Scout from Oklahoma in 2015. Though she doesn’t think she’ll have enough time to surpass it by the deadline of Feb. 11.

But if she does, she knows what she’ll do with the new accolade.

“It’s great to put on my resume. I will use it to my advantage for interviews,” she said.

Her newfound fame has boosted her self-confidence and has inspired her even more to become a writer — though her mom thinks she could combine her love of writing with her passion for baking.

“I could totally see Charlotte as a food editor,” Beth McCourt said. “She’s outspoken, but thoughtfully. She doesn’t just spout stuff out. She really thinks about what she says. She’s funny and she lives life out loud.”