Sex & Relationships

Teacher admits having sex with student she seduced online

A former Virginia science teacher is facing up to 20 years in the slammer after admitting to having sex with a 13-year-old student she seduced using Instagram and Snapchat, according to reports.

Amelia Tat, 27, confessed to two counts of carnal knowledge without force of a 13- to 15-year-old in a plea deal in Albemarle Circuit Court on Friday, NBC29 reported.

The former educator at Jouett Middle School in Charlottesville, Va., began preying on the teenage boy in early 2015, proclaiming her feelings for him over the social media apps, according to court documents.

At some point, Tat asked the boy “to stay late and help her after class,” an illicit invitation that led to sex in the classroom, the Toronto Sun reported.

The pair had sex again at Tat’s house and another time after the boy’s baseball game, according to the paper.

The sick romp ended over a year later, when the unidentified victim’s mom found inappropriate text messages from Tat — by then working at a different school — on the boy’s phone and called police.

Tat was nabbed on June 29, 2016, and is slated to be sentenced on May 1.