Even the Patriot Way can’t stop Martellus Bennett’s fun

HOUSTON — Martellus Bennett is in his element.

That in itself is an upset considering his colorful, free-spirited personality and the joyless head coach for whom he plays. On the surface, Bennett does not seem like he would fit in with the buttoned-down “Patriot Way.”

But to the surprise of many, Patriots coach Bill Belichick has done nothing to stifle the spirit of his tight end since he was acquired from the Bears for a draft pick before this season.

Bennett, on Monday in advance of Super Bowl LI, actually credited Belichick for allowing him to be himself.

“They invested in me not only as a player but as a person and that’s hard to find in places, because a lot of coaches don’t have the self-assurance and self-awareness to let guys be who they are,” he said. “No one ever really said anything to me. One of the reasons I’ve had success here is because they just let me be me. The only thing they worried about was me as a player, not me as a person.

“When you’re allowed to be yourself, that’s when you are at your best. I can’t disguise myself every day, because that wears on you. Early in my career, I feel like a lot of people tried to make me be someone who I wasn’t and that’s why I struggled on the field and off the field. The Patriots were like, ‘Just come play football,’ and I was like, ‘Cool, I can do that.’”

Bennett, who figured to be paired with star tight end Rob Gronkowski until Gronk was injured, caught 55 passes for 701 yards and seven touchdowns this season.

He likened the loss of Gronk this way: “It’s like when Batman got his own solo movie and Robin wasn’t in it. I always liked the movies with Batman and Robin in it.”

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The Patriots are Bennett’s fourth team in nine NFL seasons. He played his first four in Dallas before going to the Giants in 2012, when he caught 55 passes for 626 yards and five TDs. The Giants opted not to bring him back in 2013 and they haven’t had a competent tight end since.

“New York changed me as a human being,’’ Bennett said. “In Texas, you can be a horse, but in New York you can be a unicorn.”

Bennett played three seasons in Chicago after leaving the Giants and caught 65, 90 and 53 passes before the Bears let him walk.

“In Chicago, there were a lot of things I could have done differently,” Bennett said. “It was like when you date somebody and you don’t really break up, but it was best for both sides to go separate ways. I have no hard feelings toward Chicago. I wish them the best … BUT I’M IN THE SUPER BOWL!”

Enter New England.

“Marty has been so fun to have in the locker room,” Patriots veteran special teams captain Matthew Slater said. “He’s really changed up the dynamic in his own way. He brings his own stamp to New England. We love having Marty.”

When it was suggested that Bennett bucks the “Patriot Way’’ perception, Slater said, “As long as you come to work, take care of your business, work hard and put others first, then I think it’s OK to have a personality … within reason. Marty has done that.”

Said Bennett: “I’ve never been malicious. I’ve never been to jail, never been arrested, I pay my taxes, I’m just a normal human being. I just like to smile. I’d rather smile than frown. I like to have a good time. I’m an optimistic guy. I find a sliver of light in any of darkness. This is the most fun I’ve had playing the game.”