
Ex-Trump Organization VP who got sick felt ‘discarded’ by company

A former Trump Organization senior VP won a $1.5 million settlement from a “doctor to the stars” — and claimed during the proceedings that Donald Trump treated sick execs like “spoiled goods” and made them feel “discarded,” court papers show.

Thomas Pienkos filed suit in 2012 against Dr. Ronald Primas, who’s treated a long list of celebrities along with Trump’s daughter, Ivanka Trump, and her husband, Jared Kushner, an incoming senior advisor to his father-in-law.

During a pre-trial deposition, Pienkos said, “the philosophy or culture of the company, and this starts at the top, is, you know, anyone who is in the senior capacity, if they have a severe medical condition, it’s — you’re looked upon as spoiled goods, that you’re, you know, not — no longer have the energy or stamina or drive.”

“It starts with Mr. Trump, he’s not a guy that likes to deal with several medical conditions, and once you are in that capacity, it’s almost as though you are left discarded to the side,” Pienkos testified.

At the time of his March 6, 2013, deposition, Pienkos was still working for Trump, and was asked if he had revealed that his medical condition left him unable to meet the demands of his job, which often required 80 hours of work per week.

“No. That would be suicide,” he answered.

Pienkos later worked out an “amicable separation” from the Trump Organization, said his lawyer, Gary Silverstein.

Pienkos — who testified about becoming a patient because Primas was the “exclusive doctor” for the Trump SoHo and Trump International hotels, and also gave in-office flu shots to top Trump Organization execs — accused Primas of overlooking blood-test results that showed Pienkos was at risk for the massive heart attack he suffered in 2009.

He also alleged that Primas later admitted to Trump Organization Chief Operations Officer Matthew Calamari: “I just blew it.”

Primas initially fought the case, but agreed to settle and pay $1.475 million in damages on the fifth day of a Manhattan Supreme Court trial in March 2015, records show.

Under terms of the deal, Primas “does not admit to liability and, in fact, specifically denies it,” his lawyer said at the time.

Primas claims on his Web site that he’s “often likened to a modern day Marcus Welby, M.D.” and he boasts a list of patients that includes R&B singer D’Angelo, the late actor Mickey Rooney and rapper Ludacris, who provided Primas with a video testimonial in which he calls him “a personal friend of mine” who’s “always there when I need him.”

Oscar-winning actor Al Pacino and comic star Adam Sandler have also been spotted regularly visiting his Fifth Avenue office, according to a building worker nearby.

Primas refused to discuss Pienkos’s case, saying: “I know nothing about that.”

His lawyers didn’t return calls for comment.