Keith J. Kelly

Keith J. Kelly


Condé Nast staffers nervous ahead of shakeup

Insiders at Condé Nast are getting nervous because D-Day for the long-delayed restructuring comes next week, according to several sources.

The first moves will happen at the end of next week when new Creative Director Raúl Martinez — the new right-hand man to Artistic Director and Vogue Editor Anna Wintour — finally gets all the company’s creative directors, design professionals and photo/visual people relocated on the 21st floor of One World Trade Center.

One all on one floor, creatives for all but the flagship titles — The New Yorker, Vanity Fair and Vogue — will have to work on more than one title for the first time.

That is expected to result in layoffs.

The following week, Christiane Mack, the head of content, strategy and operations, will bring all the copyediting functions to the 21st floor as well and have people work on multiple titles for the first time ever.

More layoffs cold follow that move.

Then, by the end of the month, Jim Norton, who jumped from global head of sales at AOL last fall to be the chief business officer and president of revenue, will leave his thumb print on a restructuring on the business side.