
Obama thinks Obamacare will survive a Trump presidency

WASHINGTON – President Obama said he’s “fine” with his ObamaCare signature law undergoing some tweaks and being renamed “Trumpcare.”

Obama says he’s convinced the foundation of his Affordable Care Act will survive because his successor will have a tough time undoing coverage for some 20 million Americans.

“I think it will [survive],” Obama told ABC’s “This Week” in an interview that aired Sunday. “Or it may be called something else. And I don’t mind.

“If in fact the Republicans make some modifications, some of which I may have been seeking previously, but they wouldn’t cooperate because they didn’t want to make the system work, and re-label it as Trumpcare, I’m fine with that.”

The Senate is taking the first steps this week to repeal Obamacare and congressional Republicans pledged a replacement package for the healthcare law sometime in the future. Trump wants to repeal and replace Obamacare but keep popular aspects of the controversial healthcare law and ensure Americans continue to have access to insurance.

“It is true theoretically that all that progress can be undone, and suddenly 20 million people or more don’t have health insurance,” Obama said of the challenges undoing the Affordable Care Act. “But as I think Republicans now are recognizing that may not be what the American people — including even Trump voters — are looking for.”

Senate Republicans need just 51 votes to repeal major parts of the healthcare law— and just 50 when Vice President Elect Mike Pence is sworn in Jan. 20. Republicans have 52 seats in the Senate. Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) already broke with the GOP on their strategy to repeal and delay replacement.

Sen. Chuck Schumer is leading the Democratic resistance. It would take 60 votes to pass a replacement plan.

Obama challenged Republicans to come up with a system that’s cheaper and insures more people.

“Don’t undo things just because I did them. I don’t have pride of authorship,” Obama said.
Incoming Trump chief of staff Reince Priebus said it would be “ideal” to see ObamaCare repealed and replaced at the same time, but reality is it may take time to build 60 votes.

“The full repeal and replace may take a little bit more time,” Priebus told CBS’s “Face the Nation.” “But it’s going to happen as quickly as possible.”

In the wide-ranging exit interview, Obama also said “I take some responsibility” on the loss of Democratic seats in government because he was busy saving the economy and couldn’t be “chief organizer of the Democratic Party.”

Obama urged Trump to understand the difference between campaigning and governing the most powerful country in the world.

“What he has to appreciate is as soon as you walk into this office after you’ve been sworn in, you’re now in charge of the largest organization on Earth. You can’t manage it the way you would manage a family business,” Obama said.