
Hooker says disgraced ex-police chief joined ‘sex parties’ near Gilgo murders

A disgraced Long Island police chief is being connected to the infamous Gilgo Beach murders by a lawyer for one of the victims and a prostitute who claims the cop participated in area “sex parties.”

Former Suffolk County police chief James Burke, who allegedly obstructed the FBI from investigating the unsolved murders, attended parties with drugs and prostitution in Oak Beach, the lawyer said.

“This is the first time that there has been an actual connection made between former chief police Burke, Oak Beach and prostitution,” the lawyer, John Ray, said at a press conference.

Also, the prostitute who identified herself as Lee Ann claimed she had “rough sex” with Burke.

Lee Ann also said witnessed Burke “grab a girl by her hair and drag her to the ground.”

Ray, the lawyer for the family of slain woman Shannan Gilbert, hopes to question Burke under oath about the his role in the parties.

The bodies of eight women, a man and a toddler have been found on or near Gilgo Beach since 1996.

Some of the murdered women are believed to have worked in the sex industry.