
The day in photos: Dec. 5, 2016

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A diver dressed as a Santa Claus swims with fish at the Sunshine Aquarium in Tokyo, Japan. Getty Images
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APTOPIX Mideast Iran Daily Life
An Iranian woman covers herself with a blanket due to the cold, while visiting Khour salt lake during her tour of the Mesr desert about 305 miles (500 kilometers) southeast of the capital Tehran, Iran. Deserts make up parts of Iran which have recently become tourist destination for young Iranians looking for a break on their weekend. The increase in tourists to the desert has stimulated economic growth in the area. AP
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A tear gas canister fired by riot police explodes near a policeman as the police disperse doctors striking to demand fulfilment of a 2013 agreement between their union and the government that would raise their pay and improve working conditions in Nairobi
A tear gas canister fired by riot police explodes near a policeman as the police disperse doctors striking to demand fulfilment of a 2013 agreement between their union and the government that would raise their pay and improve working conditions outside Ministry of Health headquarters in Nairobi, Kenya. Reuters
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APTOPIX Oil Pipeline Protest Digging In
A person walks through a snow storm at the Oceti Sakowin camp where people have gathered to protest the Dakota Access oil pipeline in Cannon Ball, N.D. Those in the camp have shrugged off the heavy snow, icy winds and frigid temperatures. AP
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Activist Dr. Cornel West speaks to Chief Arvol Looking Horse of Green Grass South Dakota, who is the spiritual leader of the Lakota, Dakota and Nakota Sioux Nations inside of the Oceti Sakowin camp, near Cannon Ball
Activist Dr. Cornel West (R) speaks to Chief Arvol Looking Horse of Green Grass South Dakota, who is the spiritual leader of the Lakota, Dakota and Nakota Sioux Nations inside of the Oceti Sakowin camp as demonstrations continue against plans to pass the Dakota Access pipeline near the Standing Rock Indian Reservation, near Cannon Ball, North Dakota. Reuters
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A woman holds aloft a picture of the late Thai King Bhumibol Adulyadej as people gather to commemorate his birthday on top of Bhumibol Bridge in Bangkok. Getty Images
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APTOPIX Italy Referendum
Anti-referendum posters showing Italian Premier Matteo Renzi are seen in Rome a day after the referendum vote. AP
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Italy’s Prime Minister Matteo Renzi announces his resignation during a press conference at the Palazzo Chigi following the results of the vote for a referendum on constitutional reforms in Rome. “My experience of government finishes here,” Renzi told a press conference after the No campaign won what he described as an “extraordinarily clear” victory in the referendum on which he had staked his future. Getty Images
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APTOPIX Czech Republic St. Nicholas
A street actor dressed as a devil frightens children in downtown Prague in Prague, Czech Republic. On the eve of St. Nicholas, Czechs traditionally celebrate by dressing up as Devils, Angels and St. Nicholas, and visiting children in their homes handing out small presents, coal, potatoes or other gifts. AP
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An Indian child holds a puppy as he sits on a road divider in New Delhi. Getty Images
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The sun rises behind skyscrapers amidst the clouds on a foggy morning in Dubai. Getty Images
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Syrian pro-government troops hold a position in Aleppo’s eastern Karm al-Jabal neighborhood as they advance towards al-Shaar neighborhood during their offensive to retake Syria’s second city. Getty Images
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An opposition fighter from the Sham brigade walks holding a rocket-propelled grenade in a trench on the front line during the ongoing clashes with government forces in the village of Teir Maalah in Syria’s central Homs province. Getty Images
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Smoke billowing over a plant in a suburb of Lille, northern France. Getty Images