Von Miller’s sex tape co-star: I kept footage to pleasure myself

It’s about pleasure, not business, according to Von Miller’s sex tape co-star.

Elizabeth Ruiz told TMZ she uses their explicit video to “play with myself” and alleges it was the Broncos star linebacker who prompted her to film the tryst in the first place.

“That night, me and Von ended up having sex in a room. While we were having sex, he was like, ‘We should probably record this,'” Ruiz said. “When I finally gave in, I was like, ‘OK, fine, we’ll record it.’ So I pulled out my phone and we started recording.”

Ruiz said “everything was consensual.”

She later was contacted by Miller, the reigning Super Bowl MVP, who asked her to send him the tape. Ruiz denied his request, she says, because she didn’t want the clip getting out.

“He had recorded clips on his phone as well … I felt like he had enough on his phone,” she said. “He never asked me to delete it. Not once.”

Ruiz claims she “never” tried to extort $2.5 million from Miller, as court docs filed by Miller suggest. She said her attorneys contacted Miller’s team about the existence of the tape.

“They threw out the first number, they said ‘this much,’ and my attorney counter-offered with the $2.5 million,” Ruiz said.

Lawyers for Miller allege Ruiz wants “to be the next Kim Kardashian” and has threatened to sell the X-rated footage. The case is in limbo for the moment: Los Angeles Judge Amy Hogue issued a temporary restraining barring Ruiz from distributing the clip.

Meet Von Miller’s sexy co-star, Elizabeth Ruiz