US News

University accidentally sends ‘active shooter’ alert to students

PORTALES, N.M. — Eastern New Mexico University in Portales says it accidentally sent a false alert of an active shooter on the 6,000-student campus.

Academic Affairs Vice President Jamie Laurenz says a university employee accidentally triggered the cellphone-based alert system Wednesday shortly after 8 a.m. but that the alert was canceled minutes later when it was determined to be a false alarm.

The false alert sent by cellphone texts and social media posts stated that there was an active shooter on campus and directed people to shelter in place and mute their cellphones.

A subsequent alert posted nine minutes later pronounced the situation “all clear” and said the original alert was due to an “accidental button push.”

Laurenz says university officials will review what happened and how.

Portales is about 200 miles southeast of Albuquerque.