
Judge has no interest in reinstating billionaire’s $50M defamation suit

A Manhattan judge had little interest in hearing arguments Tuesday from a hedge-fund titan’s lawyers over why his $50 million defamation lawsuit should be reinstated.

Billionaire Louis Bacon’s suit against fashion mogul Peter Nygard was tossed in August by Judge Cynthia Kern, who said the case should be brought in the Bahamas, where the two men are neighbors.

On Tuesday, Bacon’s attorney, Bill Carmody, came to court to argue that the case has New York ties.

But Kern didn’t seem amused.

“I don’t want to spend 15 minutes on it. It’s really the same exact information I was considering the first time,” Kern groused. “I don’t think I’m going to change my mind.”

Carmody insisted there was “new evidence” of e-mails to prove Nygard defamed Bacon in New York. Kern said she’d issue an order on whether to reconsider dismissal of the suit.

Bacon accused Nygard of launching a smear campaign that labeled Bacon as a racist, drug trafficker and Ku Klux Klan member.