
‘Flag Burning Challenge’ launches after Trump’s tweet

Things are getting heated after Donald Trump’s message to flag burners.

First amendment advocates are taking part in a Flag Burning Challenge in response to Trump’s tweet on Tuesday that people who set U.S. flags on fire should be punished.

“Nobody should be allowed to burn the American flag — if they do, there must be consequences, perhaps loss of citizenship or year in jail!” Trump tweeted Tuesday morning.

His stance, which goes against a 1989 U.S. Supreme court decision, prompted some activists to call for the Flag Burning Challenge.

Activists stood in front of the Trump International Hotel in New York City in a video posted on Wednesday night to burn two U.S. flags.

“Just burned US flag at Trump Hotel NYC. We REFUSE to Accept a Fascist America! Now your turn: #FlagBurningChallenge,” Sunsara Taylor tweeted.

The video features several members from the NYC Revolution Club, which announced the protest on Twitter ahead of the event.

“We burn this flag for the people of the world,” said an activist in the video.

Several other users also took to social media to share footage burning flags with the #FlagBurningChallenge hashtag.

“I’m so here for this #FlagBurningChallenge,” tweeted one user.