Jonathon Trugman

Jonathon Trugman


Here’s everything that made Trump’s ‘naughty and nice’ list

The president-elect is making his winners and losers list and checking it twice.

For the first time in his life, Donald Trump will be pulling together a holiday shopping list for more than 300 million Americans.

In every administration, there are winners and losers of policy decisions. In Trump’s case, he is beholden to nobody for donation dollars or political favors. Here’s a sneak peek at what looks to be on his economic naughty and nice list.

First off, all the would-be Trans Pacific Partnership beneficiaries taking advantage of the US will be getting a lump of coal.

Trump has already said that on Day One, he will pull out of the TPP. The TPP beneficiaries are believed to be (the deal was negotiated in secret) the big technology companies that were looking to outsource to Vietnam, Japan and China.

Health insurance companies won’t find favor with the incoming administration, as Trump has vowed to revamp ObamaCare. He wants to open state borders for competition among the nation’s health insurance companies — great news for consumers.

Silicon Valley will get the cold shoulder as well. Many, if not most, of the largest US companies cycle their monies through off-shore havens and use loopholes that will be addressed with tax policy.

Those that were nice will get gold under Trump.

Construction companies will benefit tremendously as America embarks on its first major infrastructure project in decades.

Energy companies and banks should be able to grow and hire more employees as Trump reduces many of the strangulating rules and regulations that have held back energy expansion and bank lending.

And ordinary workers will be getting the biggest gift of all from Trump: higher take-home pay. After his tax cuts get passed by an already eager Senate and House, every American should see a bump up in his or her paycheck.

And who couldn’t use a little extra cash in their pockets?