
De Blasio steered clear of Senate races because of investigation

Mayor de Blasio said Friday that he didn’t get involved in state Senate races this year because his previous effort in 2014 remains under scrutiny by investigators.

“I have not been participating because of the atmosphere I’m dealing with right now, and I regret that because I would love to be able to help,” the mayor said on WNYC radio.

Federal and state investigators are examining whether de Blasio and some of his top aides participated in an illegal fund-raising scheme two years ago aimed at electing Democrats to the state Senate.

De Blasio aides allegedly advised unions and wealthy supporters to write large checks to the Ulster and Putnam County Democratic committees, which in turn funneled hundreds of thousands of dollars to the campaigns of three Democrats in tight races.

All three lost and Republicans retain control the Senate by a slim majority.

De Blasio said he believes the Senate is prime for a switch in leadership, in part because the presidential race should bring out more Democratic voters on Tuesday to support Hillary Clinton.