
Gaming company apologizes for tasteless ‘d–k’ tweet

Gaming device maker Razer took some heat on Twitter Tuesday night for its tasteless promotional d–k joke that read: “Call yourself Pro? S my D.”

The tweet was a veiled reference to Apple’s MacBook Pro line that lacks an SD card slot, but not all people on Twitter read it that way.

Several female Twitter users complained beneath the post, saying many gamers are female.

“You know that a huge segment of your core market involves women right?” wrote gamer Randi Lee Harper, who added: “Not a day goes by that I’m not threatened with sexual assault in a video game.”

Some guys also thought it was also in poor taste. One, Eugene Capon, wrote, “Did you mean S and D or SAD… Because that’s what your post is.”

Other people on Twitter told them not to take things so seriously.

“If anyone is offended by Razer’s pun — you seriously need to reevaluate your life,” wrote @escroll3.

Razer responded to critics saying:”We’re not looking to offend – just proud of our SD card slot.”