US News

Obama: Michelle ‘doesn’t have the patience’ to run for office

President Obama says you can “take it to the bank” that his wife won’t ever be a candidate for public office.

“She will never run for office,” Obama told the “Sway in the Morning” radio show Friday morning.

“She is as talented and brilliant a person as there is — I could not be prouder of her — but Michelle does not have the patience or the inclination to actually be a candidate herself,” said Obama.

“That’s one thing y’all can take to the bank.”

Michelle Obama has long been an effective speaker — persuading voters to support her husband in his own elections and now in stumping for Hillary Clinton’s candidacy.

The first lady is far more popular than her husband.

A Gallup poll in August showed her with a favorable approval rating of 64 percent and 32 percent unfavorable.

Earlier this week, the president had a 53 percent favorable rating in the Gallup survey and 44 percent unfavorable.

It’s long been rumored that Michelle Obama would enter politics, possibly to run for Senate in California.

Dianne Feinstein, a California senator, said she was “flattered” Obama’s name would come up as a possible candidate for her Senate seat in 2018.