
Ex-Redstone gal pal: Shari to blame for $150M ‘fleecing’ claims

Sumner Redstone’s claims on Tuesday that he was fleeced out of $150 million by two ex-companions amounts to “fictional revisionist history,” one of the former gal pals claims.

Sydney Holland, 45, a former live-in girlfriend of the 93-year old media mogul, said Redstone, who founded Viacom 45 years ago, was judged to be of sound mind just a few months ago.

During a boardroom battle earlier this year, when the chief executive of Viacom sought to block a move by Redstone to oust him from the board, doctors who examined the mogul testified he was “mentally competent to make such critical and complex business decisions as orchestrating the departure of his long-serving chief executive at Viacom, changing its board of directors and, currently, exploring a merger between CBS and Viacom.”

That mental ability is at odds with allegations Redstone made on Tuesday — that over a period of years Holland and a second ex-girlfriend, Manuela Herzer, teamed up to fleece the head of a $40 billion media empire out of $150 million.

“Both cannot be true,” Holland’s statement said. “The fact is, Mr. Redstone’s attorneys and doctors vetted and approved all payments.”

The gifts allegedly lavished on the pair after they moved into Redstone’s $20 million Beverly Hills mansion included $3.5 million in credit card charges in 2014 alone.

Holland, described in the suit as “the younger beauty who had Redstone wrapped around her finger,” contends the claims in Redstone’s lawsuit are not the sentiments of the nonagenarian, but rather a vendetta orchestrated by his daughter, Shari.

“To Shari Redstone’s chagrin, Mr. Redstone was fully competent and determined to live his life as he chose with Sydney Holland,” her statement asserts.

Redstone’s lawyer, Robert Klieger, countered the decision to bring charges against Holland and Herzer “was Sumner Redstone’s, and Sumner Redstone’s alone.”

He added the clawback of any funds resulting from the suit will pass to charity.

“Vilifying Mr. Redstone’s family was a central part of Ms. Holland and Ms. Herzer’s years-long campaign of isolation and abuse as set forth in the complaint,” Klieger told The Post.

“Ms. Holland and Ms. Herzer apparently believe that tactic will work as well on a jury as it did on an ailing nonagenarian whose personal and financial affairs they controlled.”

In response to the suit, a lawyer for Herzer said any gifts from Redstone “were made with his knowledge and blessing.”