
De Blasio explains why he shook Trump’s hand at Al Smith dinner

Mayor de Blasio shook Donald Trump’s hand at the Al Smith dinner – but he might not again.

The mayor was asked on his weekly WNYC radio show Friday if he ever considered snubbing the GOP presidential candidate at the charity event.

“It’s a night when people are supposed to put aside their differences, so no, in that context I would shake his hand,” de Blasio said.

“In other contexts, I would have to think very deeply about how to engage him in any way, shape or form.”

The mayor and the real estate mogul are not fans of one another.

Trump has called de Blasio a “maniac” and the “worst mayor in the history of New York City.”

And de Blasio, as recently as this week, said Trump’s claim that the presidential election is rigged “is what fascists do.”

But the two do share one distinction: they were the only attendees at Thursday night’s Smith dinner who were booed by the audience.