
Woman gives birth at World Trade Center’s Oculus hub

A New Jersey woman turned the World Trade Center’s Oculus into a delivery room Wednesday night — giving birth to the first baby born in the new transportation hub.

Port Authority Police Officer Matthew Binkowitz delivered Mariam Suleman’s baby Naheeda Agbere.James Messerschmidt

Marian Suleman, 35, was rushing to Lenox Hill Hospital from her Newark, NJ, home for the second time in less than 24 hours when she realized she couldn’t wait any longer — she was in labor.

Her quick-thinking husband tracked down an on-duty Port Authority cop, Officer Matthew Binkowitz, who was patrolling the Oculus and blocked off an area near the Roberto Coin store to give them some privacy.

Binkowitz immediately radioed for back-up and helped Suleman get ready to deliver her daughter.

Brian McGraw, a trained EMT, showed up moments later with a cloth from a display nearby and realized Suleman was just minutes away from popping out her baby.

“They made us feel calm,” proud papa Suraji Agbere told The Post. “Very, very helpful.”

The 40-year-old father of three said his newborn daughter — Naheeda, which is Arabic for “beautiful” — arrived “very quick.”

Naheeda was born at 11:09 p.m. and was celebrated as the first baby delivered at Oculus, which opened in August.

Both Suleman and her little bundle of joy are both doing well and recovering at Lenox Hill.

“She’s doing great,” Agbere said.

And it turns out this is not the first time McGraw has delivered a baby in a train station.

He helped another family welcome a baby girl into the world last August at the World Trade Center’s PATH Station.