
Police find crazed naked man near site of slain jogger

Police found a crazed naked man rolling around in the woods Tuesday night yelling about his penis size a short distance from the spot in Howard Beach Queens where the slain body of jogger Karina Vetrano was found, sources said.

Police who were patrolling the area in the wake of the 30-year-old unsolved sexually assault and murder heard the disturbed man making noise at about 11 p.m. in a wooded area along 161st Avenue and took him into custody.

The spot where he was found is just blocks from where Vetrano’s body was found on Aug. 2. Police are still searching for her killer.

The man — who sources said was filthy and ranting about his genitals — was being questioned at the 106th precinct.

It was not clear if the disturbed man had anything to do with the attack.

The site where Vetrano’s body was discovered: