Steve Harvey meets his doppelganger on ‘Family Feud’

Steve Harvey may have met his match.

In the new season of his syndicated game show “Family Feud,” Harvey is introduced to contestant Olden Thornton, a pastor from Wake Forest, NC, who bears an uncanny resemblance to the prolific TV host.

Sporting the same bald head, bushy eyebrows and thick mustache, Thornton’s doppelgänger status isn’t lost on him, as seen in this clip from the episode airing Sept. 14.

“Every single day of my life people come up to me and call me Steve Harvey,” he tells the host. “And I don’t even have your money!

“I think I should get compensated or something,” he jokes.

The visual gag clearly throws Harvey, though the modest host does note one difference between the two men.

“I really hate to say this, but I’m an honest guy — you’re actually a little better looking than I am,” Harvey admits. “It’s kind of hurting me a little bit.”

All that’s missing is matching pinstriped suits.

The new season of “Family Feud” premieres Monday (check local listings).