
Murdered ‘slumlord’s wife’s emotional testimony: ‘He never came home’

The widow of a Brooklyn landlord slain during a botched robbery took the witness stand Wednesday, her voice quivering as she recalled the horrific night.

Avoiding eye contact with accused murderer Kendel Felix, Vashie Stark told jurors in Broolyn Supreme Court that her husband, Menachem, had planned to attend a wedding the evening he disappeared.

“I was expecting him to be home by 11, or 11:30 at the latest, but he never came home,” she said.

During opening arguments Wednesday, prosecutors said Felix and cohorts had placed a tracking device on Stark’s car in order to carry out their ambush.

They grabbed him on the evening of Jan. 2, 2014, stuffing him into the back of a van prosecutors said. One thug sat on him for too long, killing him.

They then tossed one of Stark’s cellphones, but left another untouched, which “acted as a homing beacon,” ADA Emily Dean said.

Dean said cellphone records will prove that Felix was with Stark that night, until his body was left “like trash” in a Dumpster.

Felix’s trial continues Thursday.