College Football

Porn star Mia Khalifa shames Ole Miss QB privately, then publicly

Ole Miss quarterback Chad Kelly messed with the wrong porn star.

Following the Rebels’ 45-34 meltdown loss to Florida State on Monday night, adult film star and Seminoles superfan Mia Khalifa tweeted out an exchange she had with Kelly before the game.

“Shoulda spent more time in your playbook and less time in my DM’s #NOLES,” Khalifa wrote, along with a screen shot of their conversation.

After Kelly hit up Khalifa through a direct message on Twitter, the busty brunette then schooled Kelly in Sweet Talking 101.

“I’m only following you for seminole recon to find your weaknesses before the game. Also because last chance U,” Khalifa replied, referring to the Netflix documentary series in which Kelly appeared.

“Weakness 1: can’t resist urges to slide into DM’s of girls outta his league,” she wrote later.

Kelly’s Twitter account was deleted after Khalifa’s screen grab went viral. It’s probably for the best considering the team’s performance. Kelly opened his second season at Ole Miss with four touchdowns, but was intercepted three times as the Rebels blew their 28-6 halftime lead.

This was not the first time Khalifa has gotten feisty with an athlete. In May, the porn star brawled with minor league hockey pro Tom Sestito on Twitter. After Sestito insulted her looks, Khalifa took aim at his manhood.

“Wouldn’t expect a p—y like you to grow a playoff beard like this #MoreBallsThanYou,” she tweeted.