Andrea Peyser

Andrea Peyser

US News

Let’s not forget the real victim in Anthony Weiner’s latest scandal

He’s the saddest, most neglected little tyke imaginable.

When Anthony Weiner’s then-3½-year-old son wandered, innocently, into the lonely bed occupied by his demented daddy, he could not have understood the chaos he’d unleash.

The little boy’s sleepy stroll from his nursery into the lair of the most important person in his young life landed the tot in the middle of Weiner World, a sinister, XXX-rated realm of below-the-belt selfies, of a grinning mongoose, of lame and revolting online come-ons to strange, big-breasted women, and even a guy pretending to be one.

Mommy isn’t blameless by a long shot. For Huma Abedin was the absentee parent in this sordid drama, having handed her own flesh and blood to a known pervert.

The New York City Administration for Children’s Services has launched an investigation into Weiner, 51, a source confirmed to The Post, with child welfare officials showing up this week at the Manhattan apartment he shares with estranged wife Abedin, 40, and their now-4-year-old boy.

The probe into deviant behavior to which no responsible adult would subject a house cat comes after The Post reported exclusively that the sicko drew his child into sexually suggestive banter he conducted on Twitter with a 40-something brunette divorcee from out West.

“Someone just climbed into my bed,” Weiner wrote in a private message to his busty sexting partner just after 3 a.m. on July 31, 2015.

“Really?” she responded.

He then sent the lady, an NRA and Donald Trump supporter, a disturbing photo showing his child lying near Daddy’s clearly aroused, white-boxer-brief-clad manhood.

The kid’s appearance in his dad’s hostile territory did more than reveal Weiner as a sex fiend with zero boundaries. It transformed young Jordan Weiner into a human mirror — casting a harsh reflection on his mom’s effective emotional and physical abandonment.

For Abedin knew for a long time the kind of man she married. And as she pursued her hectic career boosting Hillary Clinton toward the White House, she chose to leave the tot in Carlos Danger’s care.

“The man is a degenerate,” celebrity divorce lawyer Raoul Felder told me. He’s among matrimonial experts who foresee an epic child custody battle brewing between a cracked stay-at-home dad and a frequent-flier mom. Neither would come off as a fit caregiver for a child.

Weiner, Felder said, “must be suffering from a driving compulsion, like a drug. But he is what he is. How could she leave the boy with him? She’s just more interested in her own ambitions.”

Felder called Abedin her hub’s sexual “enabler,” who stood by him for so long — much as Hillary Clinton enabled her hubby, ex-President Bill, standing by him after people the world over learned that former White House intern Monica Lewinsky Lewinskied him under the Oval Office desk.

Abedin issued a three-sentence statement Monday, announcing that after six years of wedded misery — or, as she put it, “long and painful consideration and work on my marriage” — she’d decided “to separate from” (read: dump) her hub. The only question is: What the hell took so long?

I suppose the free baby-sitting he provided was a draw.

Previously, Weiner’s sexts were hilarious — and skeevy. He sent bulging crotch shots to random cuties, forcing him to quit his House of Representatives seat in 2011. His 2013 campaign for the Democratic nomination for New York City mayor crashed and burned after it came out that he sexted such babes as Sydney Leathers under the nom de porn Carlos Danger. He flirted with two Republican women online last year, The Post reported, and wrote to another conquest in July, “I’m deceptively strong. Hehe. Like a mongoose.” His virtual paramour turned out to be a dude college student who posed as a female to “catfish” Weiner — engage him lasciviously online.

But Weiner crossed a line when he involved his son in his salacious pursuits. He even cracked to his sexting partner in March 2015 that Jordan was a “chick magnet.”

Not funny.

The incredible selfishness exhibited by both parents is mind-numbing.

For a bedful of jollies, Anthony Weiner traded his morals, his wife, his mind — and he could lose the constant companionship of his son. Huma Abedin let this happen.

Huma, I’m begging you. Quit your gig as vice chair of Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign. It’s time to pay some long-overdue attention to your only child.

DeB blows bums’ rush to free Wi-Fi

Deal with it, suckers! That pretty much sums up Mayor Bill de Blasio’s shocking response to a Post report describing how many of the nearly 400 free Internet kiosks installed in former phone booths around New York City have been taken over by vagrants.

The bums are pulling up chairs, charging their electronic devices and using the makeshift al fresco camps for binge-drinking and movie dates.

While conceding that policing the wired hobo havens set up by LinkNYC is “something we’ve got to do more work on,’’ de Blasio seemed intent on expanding the number of kiosks to nearly 8,000 by 2023, as planned, while suggesting that upstanding city dwellers could be on their own.

“I’m sure, you know, that people waiting in line [for Wi-Fi] are making their voices heard, too, and New Yorkers are pretty vocal, so I’m hopeful that takes care of it,’’ he said.

This is a safety horror show waiting to happen. Hizzoner must throw the bums out or ax the kiosks.

Sink Lochte’s ‘apology tour’

Don’t help Lyin’ Ryan Lochte get richer.

The Team USA swimmer disgraced his country and maligned the people of Brazil when he lied about being robbed at gunpoint in Rio de Janeiro.

Instead, he, along with three drunken swimmer friends, allegedly trashed a gas station’s bathroom.

Lochte lost all his major endorsement deals after the debacle, but got a new gig sponsoring Pine Bros. Softish Throat Drops.

Its slogan is — ha ha! — “Forgiving on Your Throat.”

Brazilian police have indicted Lochte and one pal for falsely reporting a crime.

Now Lochte, 32, is set to take his quest for forgiveness for a spin as a contestant on the reality TV show “Dancing With the Stars.”

I won’t be watching.

And I’ll soothe my unforgiving throat with Luden’s.

Don or Hillary? Tough question

Reader Cliff Florowitz emailed me questions to ask before choosing whether to cast a vote for Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump.

Would I follow the financial advice of the candidate? Would I have a beer with the candidate? Would I allow the candidate to baby-sit my children?

The Donald doesn’t drink. But I’d dread squandering precious bar time with Hillary or trusting her with things I hold dear.

This election will be a tough one.