
Drug dispute leads to gunfire in Washington Square Park

Washington Square Park, already exposed by The Post for being an open-air drug market, was the scene of gunfire Wednesday night.

The gunman approached his 29-year-old victim around 11:05 p.m., accusing the man of selling him fake narcotics the day before, police sources said.

An argument ensued, and at one point, the assailant asked for oral sex from the dealer’s girlfriend, who was also in the area, as retribution for the phony drugs, sources said.

The suspect then pulled out a gun and smashed the man in the head before firing a single shot at the ground.

The victim — who had an outstanding arrest warrant — was hit by a piece of concrete when the bullet hit the pavement and suffered a minor leg injury, police sources said.

Cops still haven’t found the gunman, who fled east through the park, according to police sources. The victim has an outstanding warrant and could get locked up, law enforcement sources added.

Earlier this month, The Post reported that Washington Square Park has become a hangout for aggressive vagrants, who freely sell drugs on benches in the park’s northwest corner.

One Village resident said he even saw a junkie shooting drugs into his neck within plain view of two cops sitting in a cruiser about 15 feet away.

The Post report prompted police to beef up patrols in the area.

Watchdog group NYC Park Advocates also found that violent crime in green spaces across the five boroughs have gone up 23 percent in the nine-month period ending March 31 compared to the same stretch a year earlier.