
De Blasio: New Yorkers can take care of Wi-Fi kiosk problems themselves

Mayor de Blasio admitted on Tuesday that the city’s new free Wi-Fi ­kiosks are not properly policed — but said tough New Yorkers will find a way to work it out themselves.

Hizzoner spoke hours after The Post revealed that vagrants have been hanging out in front of the new LinkNYC Wi-Fi kiosks, setting up makeshift camps, pulling up chairs and using the space for roadside movie dates and binge drinking.

“I’m sure, you know, people waiting in line are making their voices heard, too, and New Yorkers are pretty vocal so I’m hopeful that takes care of it,” de Blasio told ­reporters Tuesday at a press conference in The Bronx.

“We are aware of the fact that there are some people who don’t treat it properly, so we’re trying to enforce as best as we can. It’s something we’ve got to do more work on — that’s the honest truth.”

LinkNYC debuted in January and less than 400 have been installed. The city wants nearly 8,000 running by 2023.

Christine Smith, 24, lives near one of the Third Avenue kiosks and told The Post about a man who setup a mini-camp there.

“You don’t really know who’s there loitering and watching you. I want to feel safe,” she said.

A spokesman for LinkNYC said it is aware of the problems and is working on solutions.