
Post reader starts petition to stop lawmakers’ 47 percent raise

ALBANY – A Post reader, spurred to action by a report about state lawmakers possibly getting a 47 percent raise, has started an online petition opposing the hike that has drawn more than 7,000 signatures in less than a week.

Mary Calamia

Mary Calamia of Suffolk County on Long Island said decided to mount the drive after reading that one proposal before a salary commission is increasing the base pay of state lawmakers from $79,500 to $116,900.

Calamia said she was “disturbed” when she saw the numbers.

“I’m not opposed to a raise, but 47 percent is excessive. This is not a full-time job. It’s supposed to be public service,”she said.

“Their justification is that they haven’t had a raise since 1999. Well, what about the guy who got there last year? Should he get the same three-percent-raise-a-year as the person who has been there 17 years. Should anybody even be there for 17 years? This is not supposed to be something to support you and put your kids through college. It’s supposed to be part-time.”

Calamia, a lifelong Long Islander, ran for the local legislature last year as a Republican but lost.

Some signers of the petition singers added commentary.

“Hell no!,” wrote a woman who identified herself as Renee A.

“I work for monroe community hospital and we haven’t had a raise or decent contract in 11 years. I’ve been working for 15 years. The medical staff is under stress and are still taking good care of our residents. My mother is living there now. My co workers work very hard under these conditions, we are short all the times. If anyone needs a raise it is Monroe County workers. Thank you,” added a woman who signed as Lilla Vega.

Another suggested the “TWO PERCENT RAISE” that the poster received.

The salary commission is supposed to make its recommendations by Nov. 15 — after this year’s elections.

State legislators haven’t had a raise since 1999.