Food & Drink

Cuomo questions ‘organic’ food imported from China

Donald Trump isn’t the only pol going after China.

Gov. Cuomo questioned the safety of food grown in China Thursday as he promoted a program to certify farm produce grown in New York State.

“Food safety is knowing what we eat and where it came from and how it was handled,” he said. “The lack of knowledge is frightening.”

The governor added that food labeled “organic” and sold in the United States can come from polluted land in China.

“China is producing a lot of our food,” he said during a press conference at the Hunts Point wholesale market in The Bronx.

“Their official reports say 80 percent of the land is polluted, 20 percent of the water is polluted,” Cuomo continued.

“Organic from China – You don’t really know how these products were grown. The FDA inspects one percent of products that come in and, when you walk down the aisle of a grocery store, it is like the United Nations. This from China, This from Turkey. This from Argentina. What does it mean and what are you eating?”

Cuomo announced regulations to more clearly define, label and regulate food through a “New York State Grown and Certified Program.”

He also promised to modernize the Hunts Point Food Market and expand its capacity, a move he said will create 150 construction jobs and 95 new permanent jobs at the distribution hub.